Category Archives: Abriella

Bunk Beds

We have planned on having Abriella and Colby sharing a room and giving the baby Colby’s old room. That way, we can keep our guest room. We purchased bunk beds and Stephen put them together a few weeks back.  This … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby | 1 Comment

Sweet Moments

There are just some moments you wish you could bottle up and keep forever. Well, the best way to remember some things are to blog about it. The other night, I was putting Abriella to bed. After she said her … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 1 Comment

Wisdom Teeth and 24 Weeks

This pregnancy just seems to be filled with me having things removed from my body. That sounds kind of weird…  Anyway, I had a wisdom tooth extracted today. If you’ll remember back in March, I had been to the dentist … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Stephen | 1 Comment

Various Updates

Should I do this all in one update or split it up? Hmmm. Well, we’ll see how it goes here. First, I’m 21 weeks and 1 day now. This munchkin moves a lot and the movements are fairly uncomfortable at … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Jennifer, Stephen | 1 Comment

Fearless Superheroes!

So, as documented previously, Colby often dresses up in princess clothes, as that is about all we have as far as dress up clothes around here—-hazards of having an older sister. Stephen has been asking me to get him some … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby | 1 Comment

First Week of School

Here we are at the end of the first week of preschool for the munchkins. They go 2 days a week from 9-2:30.  I’d say the week has been a success! Here are pics from the first day of school. … Continue reading

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Preschool Meet the Teacher 2011

Today, we had the greatly anticipated Meet the Teacher at preschool for both kids!! It’s going to be so weird having both of my kids in preschool from 9-2:30 every Tuesday and Thursday! But, wow, how nice will that be?! … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby | 1 Comment

Up from the grave [s]he arose…

Sorry for getting that tune stuck in your head, although that song is a great one! So, I am alive! Things went south after my last post over a month ago. I was puking daily, sometimes several times, and was … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Jennifer, Stephen | Leave a comment

What’s up?

Sorry for not posting in over a week. The nausea and fatigue of this pregnancy took a turn for the worse. Instead of it easing up, as I was hoping it would, it actually got yuckier. The best thing for … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Jennifer, Stephen | 1 Comment

Sweet lub-dub

Last night, I pulled out my trusty doppler. I was only 8 wks and 4 days, but I figured I’d start checking every couple of days until we could hear the fetal heartbeat. With both of the other pregnancies, it … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family | 1 Comment