Category Archives: Abriella

Some Summer Activities

This will not contain everything that occurred this summer, but I will put some of them. I’ll try to hit the others in some other posts. We did VBS at church this summer again. Colby finally was old enough to … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Fourth of July

This year, Abriella and Colby were at the Joyner’s for the days leading up to the 4th. David met Stephen halfway on the 4th to pick up the kids and bring them back home. So, we took Ridley to the … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment


Colby and Abriella have been doing gymnastics for a while now. Abriella continues to move up. She is now in the intermediate girls gymastics class. Colby does great as well! He’s in the 4/5 class. This school year, his class … Continue reading

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Muffins with Mom (back in May)

Good thing with this self-inflicted blog challenge is that you’ll get to see things that happened a while back! Every year around Mother’s Day, the kids have Muffins With Mom at school. I got to do Abriella’s first, and then … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Jennifer, Ridley | Leave a comment

First Day of 1st Grade and Homeschool

We are getting back into the groove of a new school year! Abriella started back to Providence last Tuesday. She has been sooo excited to start back to school! As you may recall, with this school, it is a university model … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Ridley | 1 Comment

First Tooth Fairy Visit!

Well, it finally happened! Abriella came and told me she thought she had a loose tooth. Lo and behold, she did! This picture is proof taken on June 23rd. She was taking swimming lessons during this time, and it was … Continue reading

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Where to start…

Wow! Was the last post really April 2nd?? Ok, yes, I knew it had been a while. Been a little crazy around here. Let’s see where to start. I’ll go back to my pictures and try to post a few … Continue reading

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Easter Sunday!

Here are some pictures we took before church this morning. The ones of our family were done with auto-timer, so I think they were not too bad! And, Abriella was the photographer for the pictures of me and Stephen. Not … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Easter Bunny 2013

Here is the annual Easter bunny torture visit! Well, Ridley thinks so at least! HA!

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Wait for now

So, we decided to hold off on the tubes for now. It truly didn’t make sense to me to do it now when the possibility of the tubes falling out in the thick of winter was there. I sure don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | 1 Comment