Category Archives: Abriella

The Big 0-5!

Today, Abriella is 5 years old!! Can’t believe it! This is a picture that her Gammy took while Abriella and Colby were in Lubbock a couple of weeks ago! Great picture!

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Rolling, rolling, rolling…

Well, Ridley is becoming increasingly mobile. On Saturday morning, I had laid him on his back in the floor near the playroom, while I put some clothes away. Stephen brought something to me upstairs and we both watched him roll … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Doctors and Milestones

Well, we’ve been busy around here. Not doing fun stuff all the time. Last Tuesday (day after Memorial Day), I took all 3 kids to the doctor’s office. Well, they all went, but I had Ridley and Abriella checked out. … Continue reading

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Well, we would love to covet your prayers for our family and the plans for Abriella’s kindergarten year. We had kind of settled on putting Abriella in public school this year, but that never felt completely right to me. Stephen … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 1 Comment

Way Behind!

Sorry for being incredibly behind! I always have great aspirations for staying up to date. HA! So, here are just a few of the things I still need to blog about: My birthday–yes, that was over a month ago now. … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley | 1 Comment

Easter Pictures

Here are a few pictures that we took on Easter Sunday! Thank you to Gammy for the outfits for the kids! Stephen and I wore prior Easter outfits, and they actually seemed to coordinate with the kids fairly well! And, … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | 1 Comment

Easter Bunny Visits, Past and Present

Aw, how the years bring change to our kids. We visit Santa and the Easter bunny every year,  just to see the change in our kids from year to year. It really is pretty fun to watch them smile, cry, … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Ridley | Leave a comment

Texas Bluebonnets

This year, I finally got pictures of our kids with the state flower, the bluebonnet. I have always had aspirations to do such, but I always wait too long, or some crazy rain/hail storm comes and it’s too wet to … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Stephen | 1 Comment

Graduation Picture

The pre-K class had their graduation pictures taken the week before Spring Break. So, my friend is the one that takes the pictures at their preschool. She sent me a little sneak peek of our big 4 year old. This … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 1 Comment

Catch up on pictures

I am terribly behind on pictures in Ridley’s short life!  He has moved upstairs to his room now. He has been there 3 nights now. He’s been sleeping a little bit better up there. I think he likes having more … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment