Ridley: 19 & 20 Months

In August, Ridley turned 19 months, and in September, he turned 20 months old. While I did get the pictures, I failed to write posts on ye ole blog. Sorry ’bout that. So, Ridley, we won’t truly know (as I don’t remember) what you started doing in those respective months, but I’ll give a recap of where you are now. 🙂 But, not without pictures first. (as always, you can click on any picture to enlarge it)

So, he’s all over the place these days! Just running and getting into everything. He is still nursing 3 times a day: when he wakes up in the morning, for naptime, and then at bedtime. The plan is to have him weaned before Christmas, since Stephen and I are going on a cruise after Christmas! Yeehaw! I’ve never nursed a little one this long, but it’s been great! He does drink cow’s milk and water and all that, too, but still gets a solid nursing 3 times per day.

He still takes a nap everyday and it’s usually a couple of hours, give or take. So thankful for this time. He goes to bed around 7, sometimes earlier, sometimes slightly later. He wakes up usually around 8am. He’ll stay in his bed for a long time and just play in the mornings. He often looks surprised when someone comes in…like, hey, i didn’t call for you! HA!

He has started sleeping with a bear every nap and night time. He was playing with one at bedtime, and he wouldn’t let go of it, so I let him go to bed with it. That was where it started! We do switch out the bears, hoping to not get him stuck on one that will inevitably get lost at some point. He is fine with that so far. There are about 4 or 5 different ones that have sufficed. 🙂 It’s awfully cute to see him cuddle a bear under his arm when he sleeps. It also gives him someone to talk to in the mornings. hehe. Neither of our others slept with a stuffed animal that early. So, that’s unique to Ridley.

He’s wearing 18 month clothes. Can still squeeze him into some 12 month clothes. But, can also put him in some 24 month clothes. But, he’s doing great and looks healthy!

He’s been adding more and more attempts at adding words/talking. We are excited about this. Except when he attempts words like “shirt” but he doesn’t quite get that “r” sound in there! Such filthy language! HA! And, we are not fond of the recent addition of the word “NO!” and “mine, mine, mine, mine!” Both of these were added to his speech in the SAME DAY and he was very passionate in speaking them. ~sigh~ Here comes the twos.

He loves to be outside and loves to ride bikes (in the little seat on the back of my bicycle). He loves to swing and play, play, play.

Still a mama and daddy’s boy. The only people he will willingly go to are the 2 ladies that teach his Sunday morning class. He LOVES them, and he LOVES that they feed him during the entire class!

Speaking of eating, he does a lot of it, but he must have his daddy’s metabolism, because he’s still a lightweight. Not sure of his weight, but he has never had any rolls like his siblings did.

He’s a sweet little guy and loves his siblings, but he does love to be an only child, too! He cherishes his days without them around. HAHA!

Loves to point to body parts. He’s learning more and more every day!

He’s a sensitive one, too. If you tell him “no,” his little lip starts quivering, and he gets so sad. Pitiful.

We love him to pieces though! Looking forward to seeing how he continues to grow! Love you, Ridster!

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