Colby in Pre-K

This year, Colby began Pre-kindergarten. He is going to Belton Christian Preschool, which meets at our church building, again this year. He is in a class of 13 kids. Mrs. Kassidy is his teacher this year. He is doing great so far. ร‚ย Here are some pictures from “Meet the Teacher” and the first day of school.

At school, they have a behavior clip chart. They each have a clothespin that has their name on it. They move up or down during the day based on their choices (good or bad). They all start on “Ready to Shine” each day. Colby has never ended up below that, so far. He sometimes is still on that at the end when I pick him up—not sure if he had moved up or down throughout the day before ended up where he started. He has gone as high as the top one, where you get to get a prize out of the surprise box! He was so proud that day! Sometimes, I think he uses up all his good at school because he becomes a holy terror as we leave school. HA!

As far as school work goes (since I have him 3 days a week at home), he’s doing good. He’s doing well at handwriting, letters and numbers! I’ve been impressed with that, especially for a crazy active boy like he is. He does great with shapes and colors. He has started reading some Bob books with me, and he finally read some with Daddy, too. For a while, he told Stephen that the reading was done only with Mommy. HA! I’m pleased with how he is progressing on sounding out words and reading them. He’s doing great!

He loves one-on-one time with school stuff. If Abriella is ever busy or taking a break, he just LOVES to sit with me and work, work, work.

I’m amazed at how much he picks up from listening to Abriella do her schoolwork. She memorizes history pegs, which are little rhymes that are history facts. If she ever pauses, you can often hear him finishing the rhyme. HA! There are several areas where he does that. That is one of the many benefits of homeschooling. He’s learning just be being around when I’m teaching Abriella. ๐Ÿ™‚

Colby is an incredibly sweet boy!! But, when he’s tired, hungry, or just being a 4 yr old, he is awful. Those are the times that really, REALLY test you! Thankfully, he usually only “blesses” his family with those times. At school, church, with friends, he typically “can do no wrong.” I guess that’s the way I’d rather it be than the other way around! ๐Ÿ™‚ We love him no matter what though!!

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